I knew I was not going to get these together as soon as I had hoped … and I was right. But better late than never! Funnily enough, after re-reading the diatribe below, my Resolutions & Goals actually seem a little mundane. Maybe I am a whiskey. Here are a few off the top of my head:
* Blog more. Obviously! My evil iPhone wiping all my pictures – TWICE – has really cramped my style. I had good intentions of using the pictures as mental triggers to review my year via the blog since I was so delinquent in 2010, but alas, two years’ worth of memories evaporated like that. I was crushed, but life moves on.
* Learn how to sew.
* Re-learn how to knit (the class was a success but I’ve already mostly forgotten – I’ll be banking on muscle memory). I know a number of cutey-petutey babies (and cutey-petutey babies to shortly be), so I really need to get cracking on this project (and this one!) which are so darn cute they inspired me to take the class in the first place.
* Still haven’t ridden that bike ….
* Cook more. A lot more. I am already well on my way to success with the some beautiful new KitchenAid and Le Creuset gadgets and cookware from my mom and Will. I’ve developed a mild Jacques Pepin obsession that has really inspired me to get cooking. For further inspiration, I’d like to read Julia Child’s “My Life in France” this year and Ruth Reichl’s “Tender at the Bone” based on Jill’s recommendation.
* Stick to the maniacally complex and stupidly daunting, OCD cleaning schedule I’ve created for the house (developed two years ago, adhered to for approximately five days). My plan for success is to designate two hours every Saturday morning to just knock it out (with Will’s help) and have the rest of the weekend to enjoy, guilt-free!
* Infuse more sanity into what feels like an ever-increasingly busy life with a more regimented schedule. This really feeds into other sub-resolutions, like eating breakfast every morning before work, running more, going to more yoga classes, and the overall goal of taking better care of myself as I continue to hurdle at lightening speed toward my late, late twenties and haven’t really ever done so before.
* Spend less, save more (really, who doesn’t have this one on their list?).
* Be a better friend, daughter, sister, and girlfriend. Take more time for greeting cards, phone calls, and staying in touch.
* Take better care of my hands. Between picking at my nails, clumsiness (read: nicks and scabs – HOT), and a stubborn antipathy to moisturizer, they sure look terrible.
*TRAVEL – I’ve seen very little of this big, big world.
*Volunteer, perhaps at the animal shelter (potential danger of accumulating dogs and losing boyfriend very likely).
I have no doubt there are more, but that seems like a decent amount of things to aim toward. I’ll keep you updated on how I’m doing, and maybe you can help try to keep me honest?